Thursday, April 12, 2007

We Have Often Found That Life Is Full of Regret

So. We understand. Life has been hectic. Laundry needs to be done, you have friends you haven't seen in months, you're overdue for a haircut. It's okay. Things get busy sometimes.

It's just that, well, it's the closing weekend of Chekhov Lizardbrain, and we don't want you to lie awake at night, wondering what could have been. If you're still on the fence about whether or not you're going, get a taste here. Tickets can be purchased here, or by calling the box office line at (215) 627-1883.

And please, get your tickets ahead of time - we don't want to see you on the wrong end of a sold-out show, sitting at the Latvian Society bar musing over life's ironies and missed opportunities. So call us, soon.

(That's you, on Monday, after you've missed
Chekhov Lizardbrain.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Pig Iron,
Thank you for feeding all three of our brains with your thoughtful show...the Suggalicious James, the Sobellific Geoff, Reigersetious Dito and Bauridastic Quinn have done it again with Rotherbodacious at the helm. You guys rock!